A Wedding in White and Green

As the thunderclouds moved in we had a ceremony out on the putting green at Juday Creek Golf Club. The ceremony went off without anyone getting hit by lightning, and everyone getting hit Cupid’s arrow.
It all started, innocently enough (as Dave tells it) when one evening while sitting in his truck, he asked Lisa: “if he went and got a ring would you merry me?” Apprenepntly she said: “Yes” and then they went and got a ring and a few months later called us to photograph their wedding. Don’t you just love simple, straightforward plans? 😉
The wedding weekend started with a golf outing the day before, in the rain. We pretty much had the entire course to ourselves, as all the sane golfers (and photographers) stayed inside or at home. Even though every hole was a “water hazard” the brave group of bridal attendees had a good time, and I managed to get a few good pictures in, when not dodging golf balls ricochetting off trees (Bill you know who you are)!

While driving to the wedding, all Dawn and I saw were thunderclouds, but when the ceremony started it the clouds parted and there was bright sun. The Rain Gods must have been pleased.
(That is us in the middle of the two blobs below, right at the “A” in Granger)

Lisa’s daughter Daniel looked beautiful in her watermelon flavored, I mean colored, dress. She was only out shined by Lisa when she walked down the isle, escorted by her brother, dressed in a beautiful flowing, white wedding dress.

The ceremony went off without so much as a sprinkle, but as soon as it was over, and we wanted to take some formal shots on the beautiful Juday Creek golf course, the thunderclouds returned and it started to rain. We all ran inside and started the party a little early. I don’t think anyone really minded, but Dawn and I so wanted to take a few shots over by the pond under the weeping willow tree! Sniff.
The rain also put a damper on the planned fireworks display, but the reception had plenty of sparks, and a few Ooo and Ahhs of its own. Before too long, the only concern was what was happening inside.

Congratulations Dave and Lisa,
may you live happily ever after!
Michael & Dawn